Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Rollergirl Officially Released Today!

The book Rollergirl: Totally True Tales From the Track is now available in every awesome bookstore near you! So skate to your nearest bookstore & pick up a copy.

The book was written by Melissa Joulwan, aka "Melicious", from the Texas Rollergirls. (She rolls for the Hot Rod Honeys.)

You can order the book through the official site: http://www.rollergirlthebook.com. It's also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, & other book stores.

I've already picked up my copies today from Barnes & Noble during my lunch hour. (You will find it in, where else, the Sports section.) It looks really cool. I kept thumbing through it at stop lights on my way back to work. The people behind me were getting REALLY mad. It's already hard to put down & I haven't even started reading it yet. But as soon as I finish it, I will post a book review here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Va va va vrooom! Hope you like the book. It was really an honor to interview Rollergirls around the country and be the lucky girl to write our story.
