WOW! The interstate bout last night between the TXRD Lonestar Rollergirls and the Arizona Renegade Rollergirls was awesome! The ladies from AZ put up a good fight, but it wasn't enough. What I didn't know and found out while I bought a "Roll Out With Your Hole Out" t-shirt from an AZ rollergirl is that these ladies are FLAT TRACK. WOW. Now, I had respect for them taking on the TXRD Lonestar Rollergirls on their home turf to begin with, but to find out that some of them hadn't skated on a banked track before, these chicas have massive cajones. Kudos to the Renegades!
The skaters for TXRD were: Honey Homicide, Fanny Smack, Venis Envy, Mustang Sally, Annie Afterparty (in a lovely electric blue tutu), Dixie Sanchez, Rollergazm, Chingona, Dirty Blond and lastly, but most definitely not last, the lovely Lunatic made her comeback from child rearing. What a site to see! I'm proud to say I was one of the loud people by the track yelling "LUN-A-TIC, LUN-A-TIC!!"
The Renegade Rollergirls had the Texas Timebomb, Renegade, Mayhemily, Go Go Liz, Night-Mar, Killotine, JoAnn Thrax, Mad As Sin, and T-Wrexxx. And these ladies were awesome. They had speed, skills, and heart! We hope they'll come back soon!
My favorite skater of the evening: Honey Homicide. Let me tell you what's so great about Honey. Aside from the fact that she's a head taller than everyone and has a definite physical presence on the track, she has personality. Last night, and in previous bouts, she will cause a ruckus, get the crowd all riled up, then skate around with her hands behind her back and a sweet look on her face – literally saying "Who me? I didn't do that…" Now, by nature I'm not a Rhinestone fan (hey, you gotta pick a team as the nemesis, and the Rhine's are fun to hate – but don't get me wrong, they have some badass skaters) but Honey has won me over. I got to get a picture with her and am excited to see how it turned out! I heart Honey!
I got to meet and stand with the TXRD Board Whores (I love you guys!!) and let me tell you, that is the place to be. Aside from the fact that they cheer as much as I do, they actually know the skaters' strengths, weaknesses and personalities on the track. I thought I was the only one that kept up with that kind of stuff, but, at last, I found my people!! Now, I'm a lurker on the board, so I don't feel I qualify for Board Whore status, so for now, I'm a Board Slut, aspiring to be a Whore.
There were no Holy Rollers or Cherry Bombs on the team this year – these ladies gotta battle each other on Sunday – and it's bound to be a tough fight. I love me some Holy Rollers, but Rocky is my favorite rookie of the season (that gal has spunk and speed!), so I'll probably be wearing a Holy Roller shirt with my bright green Cherry Bomb hoodie. I gotta represent both of these kick ass teams! For the first time this season, I'm truly torn on who to root for, but either way, whoever wins – I'll be happy!
Many thanks and a whole shitload of kudos to the Arizona Renegade Rollergirls, you ladies have my respect and admiration. I look forward to the next interstate bout.
Peace out and SK8 on!
Your humble banked track editor, Ã…naRchy
PS. Oops, I almost forgot to include some useful information...the final score was: TXRD 76 - AZ 44
PSS. Will post whatever pics came out on my disposable camera after tonight's Holy Roller vs. Cherry Bomb bout - definetly the one with my girl, Honey!
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