Sunday, February 25, 2007

TXRD: Cherry Bombs vs. Putas del Fuego Tonight!

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What happens when you mix a bunch of explosives with a whole lotta fire? You only get *one* guess...

This is the bout you've been waiting for - the up 'n coming Cherry Bombs are taking on the Putas del Fuego! They're the new kids on the block, and before anyone could blink they won a couple of amazing victories, giving our loyal fans some of the best derby action they've ever seen! They're not letting up either, and come tonight, who knows where the smart money will be. Check out pics of the '07 CB's here.

The Cherry Bombs have a Texas-sized chip on their shoulders and a short fuse to go with it. Powerhouse veterans like Cherry Chainsaw and Varuca Assault are anchoring the team, with new soon-to-be superstars like Rocky Casbah and Heathen carrying on the speed-demon tradition started by Lucky Harm in last season's bouts. Short fuse or not though, the Putas are going to put up just as big a fight! The Putas have a fearsome line-up and their mettle has withstood the test of time. Same ol' Putas? Not by a long-shot! Just when you think you know'em, those Putas are going to light the banked track on fire like never before! They're gonna knock that chip off the Bombs' shoulder, and maybe just light that fuse when they're not lookin'! Check out pics of the '07 PDF's here.

Tickets are on sale at the door and on online for $15, or pick up an advance ticket for only $13 at one of our vendors around Austin! Doors at 6pm, Game at 7pm.

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