On Tuesday night, I attended the BookPeople event for the ultimate Rollergirl book by TXRG's Melicious. First of all, I simply HAVE to say that I'm a big fan of Mel's. Even though the ARGB is completely non-denominational in our derby LOVE when it comes to Austin Rollergirls & Austin Roller Derby, for me personally...well, I'm a fan of Mel's & what she's accomplished, both on & off the track. It's not everyday a Rollergirl publishes a book. And it doesn't hurt either that she's been very kind to me & a friend of the Blog ever since I 1st started it back in January 2006, even taking time out of her busy days to trade emails w/ me & comment here on the blog several times over the last year. Nope, it doesn't hurt at all. ;o)
The event itself was really cool. There were Texas Rollergirls rolling around for a lite demonstration at the beginning. (Which I'm sorry to say I missed because I was a tad late, so no pics, but my blog-ner in crime tells me it was pretty awesome. Definitely the most action the hardwood 2nd-story floors of BookPeople has seen in years, if ever.) Mel did several readings from her book, including sections about the 2006 Dust Devil, finding her Rollergirl persona, the "sweet" smell of a Rollergirl & her pads, as well as the infamous 1st SxSW bout that fueled the split between the nation's 1st modern day Rollergirl league. The whole reading was very light-hearted & funny, except a bit of nervous quiet during the SxSW reading that was quickly followed by the hilarious insight into the desperate laundering of smelly rollergirl knee pads. Loved it!
The Texas Rollergirls in the audience were introduced, which was neat cause I didn't realize I was actually sitting next one. (My Rollergirl radar isn't quite what it should be, I guess.) Melicious also fielded questions from the audience, which was fun especially cause the audience was a tad shy but threw some interesting ones out nevertheless. I have to admit that I had a question, but wasn't sure how appropriate it was. (Wanted to know what the relationship between the 2 Austin leagues were like now vs 5 years ago. Frankly, I didn't want to put Mel on the spot with a possible highly political question.)
The whole evening was great. I got to meet some very cool-cats, like TXRG Superfan Phil Arnold, Chip Queso, Vendetta von Dutch, and so forth. I got my book signed & got to chat up Mel for a minute. (The book is doing well, as is the book tour. Melicious won't be back ripping up the track until April due to her book commitments.)
Be sure to pick up the book, it's a great read. A MUST if you are a Rollergirl, thinking about becoming one, or just a fan.
Melicious reading from Rollergirl.

Mel signing my book.

Melicious & Skate Bettie :o)